5 Reasons you should try Fascial Stretch

5 Reasons you should try Fascial Stretch

5 Reasons you should try Fascial Stretch

With top organizations from the Seattle Seahawks to Google providing this therapy for employees and athletes alike, Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) has become a topic of discussion in healthcare and fitness.

But What is it? FST is a movement based treatment that uses pain-free slow and gentle movements, stretches and traction. It is one of the first therapies developed to target the body’s connective tissue (Fascia). That doesn’t mean that it is specific to fascia; because it wraps and interconnects almost every other tissue in the body. Which means FST can be applied to treat muscles, joints, connective tissue and nerves all at the same time.

Every person has an individual response to treatment; but FST is well known for a unique combination of general deep relaxation, combined with a body primed for movement. It is a feeling that no other soft tissue treatment or massage can reproduce!

Besides feeling great FST has multiple benefits to help you reach your health goals:

Minimize Stiffness: Your body is designed to move, but sustained postures and repetitive motions limit the amount and variety of movement you experience. Over time your body adapts and strengthens itself to suit what you do most often, but often at a deficit to actions you do infrequently. FST makes sure you get a good dose of movement in all ranges, especially the ones you might be neglecting.

Speed Up Recovery: FST improves blood flow to areas in need as well it also aids in the remodelling of scar tissue. So whether it’s an injury or a tough workout that you are trying to get over, fascial stretch can help.

Improve Posture: When your body doesn’t have to fight to get into a specific position, it is much easier to hold throughout the day and build the endurance you need to not even have to think about it over time.

Reduce Pain: Fascial Stretch is intentionally pain-free. Much of this is to promote a healthy mind-body connection – by creating a pain-free range of motion. Reinforcing in the brain that the body is able to move and move well without eliciting a pain response and the reactionary increased muscle and nervous activity that goes with it.

Enhance Performance: Movement comes easier with regular FST paired with mobility exercises. The numerous professional sports teams and individual athletes that use this therapy regularly can attest to it.

Need one more reason to give Fascial Stretch a try? At Foundation it is offered by our licenced Chiropractor and is covered under most extended health care benefit plans.