Stroke Rehabilitation

Experiencing a stroke is a life changing event. . Following a stroke, individuals can struggle with with impaired balance, coordination, muscle spasms and pain.

you’re not alone. Physiotherapy offers specialized interventions tailored to address post-stroke deficits and improve overall function.

Call Foundation Physiotherapy & Wellness today to learn how physiotherapy can help you or your loved one navigate the path to recovery!

Understanding Symptoms following a Stroke

Stroke-related damage to the brain can disrupt the body’s ability to coordinate movements and maintain stability, leading to difficulties with balance and mobility. Common signs of post-stroke balance deficits may include dizziness, unsteadiness while standing or walking, an increased risk of falls, issues with fine motor skills, muscles spasticity and pain.

How Physiotherapy Can Help following a Stroke

Physiotherapy plays a vital role in post-stroke rehabilitation, with a primary focus on restoring balance, mobility, strength and function. At our clinic, our team of experienced physiotherapists will conduct a comprehensive assessment to evaluate your presentation, goals and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Treatment methods may include

1. Balance Training

Targeted exercises and activities designed to challenge and improve balance control, such as weight shifting, tandem standing, and dynamic balance exercises.

2. Manual Therapy and Stretching

Physiotherapy techniques to improve muscle tone, muscle length, joint mobility and pain as a result of the spasticity caused by the stroke.

3. Strength and Coordination Exercises

Progressive strength training and coordination drills to improve muscle function and enhance motor control, particularly in the lower extremities and core muscles essential for balance.

4. Vestibular Rehabilitation

Specialized interventions to address vestibular system dysfunction, a common contributor to balance problems post-stroke. Vestibular rehabilitation may include gaze stabilization exercises, habituation techniques, and vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) exercises.

5. Adaptive and Lifestyle Strategies

Education and training on practical strategies and adaptations to improve safety and compensate for deficits in daily activities, such as using postural supports and bracing environment.

6. Assistive Devices and Technology

Recommendations for assistive devices and adaptive equipment, such as orthotics, walking aids, or balance training tools, to enhance stability and independence during functional tasks.

By combining these interventions, physiotherapy aims to optimize balance, reduce fall risk, and improve overall quality of life for individuals recovering from a stroke.

Our team of orthopedic and neurological physiotherapists at Foundation Physiotherapy & Wellness is here to provide expert care and support to help you improve youself, regain independence, and enhance your quality of life. Call us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards moving and living better!