Active massage therapy for the summer months

Active massage therapy for the summer months

Active massage therapy for the summer months

5 Tips To Help You Increase Your Energy and Say Goodbye to Pain

Massage therapy can be incredibly beneficial for staying active during the summer months.

Here are several reasons why:

  1. Muscle Recovery: Regular physical activity during the summer can put a strain on your muscles. Massage therapy helps speed up the recovery process by increasing blood circulation, reducing muscle soreness, and alleviating tension. It can help you bounce back faster from intense workouts, allowing you to stay active without feeling overly fatigued.
  2. Injury Prevention: Engaging in new or more intense physical activities during the summer can increase the risk of injuries. Regular massage sessions can help identify and address areas of muscular imbalance or tightness that may predispose you to injuries. It can also improve joint mobility, flexibility and correct posture, reducing the strain on specific body parts.
  3. Stress Relief: Summer can be a busy and hectic time, with vacations, family gatherings, and other commitments. Massage therapy promotes relaxation and reduces stress by triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones. By managing stress levels, you’re more likely to maintain an active lifestyle and enjoy your summer activities.
  4. Mindfulness: Massage therapy provides a time for relaxation and self-care. It allows you to disconnect from the stress and distractions of daily life, fostering a sense of mindfulness and improved well-being. By taking care of your mental and emotional health, you’ll be motivated to stay active and engage in activities that bring you joy.

Request an appointment today

Remember to choose a registered massage therapist (RMT) that tailors the massage techniques to your specific needs and goals. Creating a personalized plan with your RMT can complement your summer activities and support your overall well-being. Our therapists at Foundation Physiotherapy & Wellness are here to help with that. Book your appointment now!


  • Weerapong P, Hume P.A., Kolt G.S. The mechanisms of massage and effects on performance, muscle recovery and injury prevention. Sports Med. 2005; 35(3):235-56. doi: 10.2165/00007256-200535030-00004.

Written by:


Fern Ambre

Registered Massage Therapist (Senior Associate)