How to Optimize your Posture and Alignment During Breastfeeding and/or Bottle Feeding

How to Optimize your Posture and Alignment During Breastfeeding and/or Bottle Feeding

How to Optimize your Posture and Alignment During Breastfeeding and/or Bottle Feeding

posture and alignment while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be a daunting task! Breastfeeding moms commit multiple hours a day, feeding and supporting their baby (or babies), which can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Like any new activity added to your daily routine, we want to reduce the risk of sustaining overuse injuries. While nursing, it is important to be aware of ways to optimize your posture and positioning, which will help to reduce the likelihood of injury, and from your muscles feeling sore and/or fatigued.

To help set yourself up for success, here are some suggestions to help you stay pain free and feel empowered while feeding your baby. Some of these tips can also be used for anyone who is formula/bottle feeding – that’s right dad’s! That means for you too!

Tip #1: Bring the baby to your breast, not your breast to the baby!

Hunching forward, especially for 20 minutes, 6-8 times or more a day can lead to stress and strain on your back, neck and shoulders. Therefore,

Tip #2. Use pillows or cushions to help position and hold your baby (or babies) in place during feedings.

Sometimes, using a breastfeeding pillow is not enough to keep your baby at the correct height. Therefore, using a bed pillow or a cushion to raise your nursing pillow up to the height of your breast will help to avoid overuse and strain on your neck, back, shoulders and arms. Not to mention, will help your baby achieve a better latch.

Tip #3: Switch between different positions while feeding your baby as prolonged static positions place increased strain on your connective tissues and joints.

Positions can include the cradle hold, football hold, reclined position, cross-cradle hold, side-lying position, upright breastfeeding (koala hold).

Tip #4: Be cautious of your posture throughout the feeding process.

Try not to slide into a slouched position. When sitting, strive to sit upright while maintaining the natural curvature of your spine, and to sit equally on your sitz bones.

In lying or sitting, place your body in a position that does not increase strain on your arms or neck (eg. Hiking your shoulder blade or arms in an awkward position) or lead to muscle fatigue.

Try not to keep your head looking down throughout the entirety of the feed, as this can place increased strain on your neck muscles. Ensure proper latch and that you and the baby are comfortable, and then try to keep your head in an upright position and forward position. Maybe you are watching some TV, reading a book, or eating a snack!

Tip #5: While nursing, keep whatever items you will need during this time close to you, whether this is on a table in close hands reach, or next to your side. This can include your phone, nipple cream, bottle of water, lip chap and snacks. Some people will even designate a place in the house as their breastfeeding station. Perhaps this is in the nursery, in a rocking chair in your living room, or in your bedroom – consider your options!

Tip #6: Stretch and move in between feeds!

As your baby grows bigger, nursing can become more and more exhausting on your body, especially when you are in a sustained posture for a period of time. Therefore, finding ways to set yourself up to relax the muscles during feeds (eg. Use of an armrest, footrest, lumbar elbow roll/pillow), and stretching in between, will help reduce the likelihood of an overuse injury!

Tip #7: Be creative and versatile:

Being versatile is one of the biggest things I’ve learned as a mother myself.

While out and about, we don’t always have the opportunity to use pillows or cushions to ensure proper posture, therefore, get creative! Use your jacket, a blanket, your diaper bag, to help bring your baby up to you so that you can maintain proper alignment while feeding your baby.

Want to learn more about how to optimize your posture and alignment to prevent common overuse injuries? Reach out to our Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Team at one of our three downtown locations!

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